Jeannie Melville article

I had previously reported that Jeannie Melville, an eighteen-year-old girl who went missing in August 1970, was found deceased. I thought she wouldn’t get any press, but I was wrong: I just found this article in the Dayton Daily News. Jeannie’s nude body was found in a cornfield in Darke County, Ohio in October 1970, but it wasn’t identified until now. She was en route to visit her aunt in Ohio when she disappeared. It looks like she met the wrong person on that bus.

Obviously she was murdered, and the killer got a 39-year head start. I doubt the case is solveable, but at least her family knows what happened to her.

4 thoughts on “Jeannie Melville article

    • Meaghan July 16, 2009 / 12:23 am

      If she disappeared in August and is supposed to have died in late September or early October, I wonder where she was in between times?

  1. Kar July 16, 2009 / 4:27 pm

    This is a family member of mine.. More specifically my aunt. There was trouble at home with my grandmother’s husband (would have been her step father) and they sent jeannie to visit our great aunt phyllis for a while to calm things down. She never checked in or arrived at Phyllis’ home. We are somewhat releaved that she has been found. We had just thought for years and years that she ran away because of a fear of having to go back home. We still lost her, and knowing that she will never come back is the hardest part of all of it.

    • Jim March 29, 2015 / 8:13 am

      You weren’t very specific about the trouble at home. Had Jeannie accused her stepfather of something (like rape)? If so, it wouldn’t have been difficult for him to follow the bus and then kidnap her at one of the bus stations along the way. Is it even known for certain that she made it onto the bus?

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