Kami Vollendroff sighting?

When seventeen-year-old Kami Vollendroff and her eighteen-year-old boyfriend Eugene Hyatt disappeared walking on a beach nine and a half years ago, everyone believed they’d been swept out to sea. Apparently there was a storm, and that stretch of beach had been known to eat people before. Several days later one of Eugene’s shoes turned up in the water a few miles away, and that was the last of either of them.

But Kami’s grandmother thinks she might be alive. She said the Coast Guard told her it was very unusual that neither of the bodies were ever found, and she says she has a picture of an unknown woman that, she believes, is 99.9% probable to be Kami. She says the NCMEC backed her up on this.

This sounds very much like wishful thinking to me. But we can still hope.