MP of the week: LePerry Williams Jr.

This week’s featured missing person is LePerry Dushawn Williams Jr., a 27-year-old man who disappeared from Houston, Texas on November 1, 2019.

Williams told his dad people were angry at him and knew where he lived, but wouldn’t say who or why. They argued, Williams walked away and never came back. His dad didn’t report him missing till the following March cause he thought Williams was hiding from those people and not in touch cause he was still mad about the argument.

There are indications that he may have been in Tampa, Florida in 2021 but if he was, he apparently isn’t anymore. Strange case.

If still alive, Williams would have turned 32 last week. He’s black, 5’7, and when he went missing he was very thin, just 120 pounds.

2 thoughts on “MP of the week: LePerry Williams Jr.

  1. etallabas May 25, 2024 / 10:10 am

    I think Fl has more missing persons than anyone! Aside from the Native Women that is. I often wonder if I did enough to look for Tony. I see all these people with posters, the cops have them on the news etc. Tony had a news plug on TV the night he went missing, I called the Beach Bulletin to tell them about it. I called the Detective on the case every day for years until she retired. Then continued with the next one. The 3rd one started not returning calls, then I never really spoke to the same person twice. If I ever talked to anyone. I call them every time bones are found in and around the area. I have called Medical Examiners Investigators and have gotten more information! Our 22nd anniversary is coming up. My honey has been gone longer than our life together and I miss him every day. No one knows. My husband Joseph Tallabas was murdered by a drunk driver in 1998. My son dropped dead from a heart attack in 2006 and then Anthony Johnson, my soul mate disappeared August of 2010. The horror doesn’t go away. Thanks for letting me vent. Love, Ellen. P.S Meaghan you are my hero!

  2. KHI May 25, 2024 / 2:06 pm

    Hi Meaghan, I hope you are still considering starting a patreon or other way people can support you. Once you get it up and running you can just make a point of postingweekly calls for support and then monthly once you achieve a base level of income. I think that most people understand you aren’t doing this for the money but that you need to pay your bills and deserve to enjoy small luxuries and occasional larger ones and that if you say that, it will head off a lot of the bad faith accusations you might otherwise be subject to. You can also of course point to the years of unpaid work you have already done to build Charley. If I were not over committed on other volunteer stuff I would offer to do this! Maybe another reader or trusted person in your life can do this.

    I also suggest checking out e-junkie as an alternative to patreon, it is very flexible and low-cost and while it is made for digital downloads, it offers the option for one-time and recurring donations.

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