It does make me wonder about this guy’s allegedly blissful marriage

So I was putting up a case the other day of an elderly man who went missing; it’s believed to be possibly a medical issue and foul play is not suspected.

I read this article where they interviewed the missing man’s wife. She said they were childhood sweethearts and had been together since forever and had always been very happy together. She also said something that struck me as strange: she mentioned that her husband had once had a certain specific job which is prestigious and high paying, and after he “lost” this job he worked a much lower paying position, in the same field but basically menial. In fact he was having to cobble multiple of the same low paying menial job together to try to support them and he was failing at that: their house was in foreclosure.

It seemed like a remarkable downward career trajectory to me, and not something that would happen for no reason.

I looked into this and discovered the reason I sought: back in the 1990s, while working his prestigious job, this man had sexually harassed a bunch of female employees. They sued and won. As a result his career went off a cliff.

This was like 25 or 30 years before his disappearance and I highly doubt it was related, so I didn’t put it in the casefile. But it made me wonder just how terrific the couple’s marriage actually was.

Of course the sexual harasser needs to be found anyway, for the sake of his suffering family.