Sorry, spent the last few days lying in bed groaning

I’ve had another cyclic vomiting episode again. I actually hadn’t had it happen since November but it showed up again.

Arguably this one wasn’t as bad as it usually is. I only threw up ten times. Most times it’s a lot more. It’s just the nausea is agony. It’s constant, overriding everything else. My whole body becomes a stomach.

The docs have got me on a different medication for it. On this medicine I didn’t have a vomiting cycle from November until late January when before it was happening every month or so. So I’d call it an improvement but wonder if the cycle is going to return in another month as it did before.

I’m feeling a little better today. I ate for the first time since last week. I’m still pretty weak and am going to take it easy today but I am hoping to get an update in if I am up to it. My apologies.